Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Somewhere I belong

So, I've been here four days now and I am already starting to get stressed out about leaving.  It is another four days before that happens, five if one counts the day we are actually leaving, and it still seems much too soon.  I suppose that is to be expected, I've finally found somewhere I feel like I belong.  It is hard to think about leaving it and to know it is close at hand. 

My little ones told me today they wanted to live here so they could play with their cousins all the time.  I hope they get their wish, and soon.  I want to live here so I can "play" with my siblings.  I have no idea how much or how little we would have gotten along when we were children, but as adults we seem to do pretty well.  I don't want to feel like I am missing out anymore.  I have no idea how much I actually miss out on, they all have very busy lives and probably don't get nearly as much time together as it appears from the outside.  However I have a lot of missed time to try and make up for and I won't be able to do that from 1000 miles away. 

It is amazing how comfortable this has all been for me.  I rarely feel that way anywhere or with anyone.  I still have my issues, but they are much less when I am here.  That is a start at least.  Perhaps it will all work out.  I hope so, three years will be a long time to wait if it doesn't.

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