Sunday, May 8, 2016

Mother's Day

I had my first Mother's Day with my mom today. It also happened to be my oldest son's fifteenth birthday, so that made it doubly special.  My mom, as usual, was great.  It might sound strange to say "as usual" about someone I have only known for a little while, but it is the reality for her.  She is very thoughtful, caring, and always thinking about others.  She is exactly what a mother is supposed to be.  I almost felt bad taking her away from my brothers and sisters on this day, but only almost.  They have gotten a lot more of them than I have after all.  Still, it would have been even nicer if we had been all together for it.

While experiences like today are overwhelmingly positive, they are also a reminder of what I missed growing up.  I've discussed this before.  The reality is that had I been around everything that occurred would almost certainly have been completely different, and I understand that.  This isn't a logical response, but an emotional one.  Logic doesn't play a part, the response is what it is no matter what the reality would have been.  I'm sure anyone who has been through a similar reunion will understand, no matter how happy one is with the reunion, there is still that sense of loss intermixed with the joy.

Well, its late and I should be in bed.  I just wanted to make sure a record the Mother's Day visit.

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